一任逍遙 A Sonic Journey in Nature
一任逍遙 A Sonic Journey in Nature

「爵式無極」 之《一任逍遙》A Sonic Journey in Nature 排練花絮2

「爵式無極」 之《一任逍遙》A Sonic Journey in Nature 製作花絮1 The Making of 1

「爵式無極」 之《一任逍遙》A Sonic Journey in Nature 古箏/GuZheng:萬幸WanXing
A Sonic Journey in Nature
15 - 16 / 10 /2021 ( Fri & Sat ) 8 pm
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District
The acclaimed Wuji Ensemble is once again inviting audiences to an innovative sonic odyssey, complete with set, lighting and video projection design. Combining Chinese and western instruments, the concert takes its inspiration from nature, creating an undulating soundscape that unscrolls like a Chinese landscape painting before one's eyes. Just as steep mountains and rocky peaks are formidable in their own right and yet connected at their base, so too are the two genres of music as they contrast and complement each other throughout the performance.
Wuji Ensemble
Ensemble Leader / Pipa / Ruan Lam Tsan-tong
Guzheng / Ruan Au Yuen-ying
Ruan Fong Yee-kwan
Ruan So Pui-yi
Mo - Men - T
Base Lui Ngao-yuen
Electic Guitar/ Synthesizer Mike Yip
Percussion / Drum set Vic Tsui
Guest Musicians
Keyboard Bowen Li
Trumpet So Ho-chi